On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 jethro at freakzilla.com wrote:
> Quoting Mike Hicks <hick0088 at tc.umn.edu>:
> > My roommate has been noticing that I can play music on the stereo in
> > our apartment from my wireless laptop.  The system is running the ESound
> > Daemon, and I just set up the ESD output plugin on XMMS to send
> > decompressed audio there.  
> Wait a sec, are there wires connected between the laptop and the stereo, or 
> what? If there are wires, then I don't think you need any kind of plugin, and 
> if there aren't any wires, then I want more information!

 My take on it is the laptop (which, as Mike said, is *wireless*) is
sending its decoded audio stream over the network to an esound daemon,
which I'm guessing is running on some desktop box, which is in turn
connected to the stereo.  He's just asking if there's a plugin to Winamp
or whatnot that can send its audio to a network device, so that a Windows
box could do the same thing as a Linux box with XMMS.
 Well, that's my take, anyway.

 If that's the case...
 Mike, is there any reason you're not decoding the audio on the computer
that's hooked up to the stereo, aside from the finer control that
initiating the stream from your local system (in that case, your wireless
laptop) affords you?  I've written a command-line script that queued up
MP3s (via mpg123); it wouldn't be a far step beyond that to write a CGI to
do the same.
 Or maybe I'm just unnecessarily complicating things.
