On Sat, Jun 22, 2002 at 09:28:22PM -0500, Mark Browne wrote:
> Doh!
> Forgot the mildly amusing attachment.
> <Snip - diatribe about software bloat>
> The attached gem seems to sum it all up for me.
> Mark Browne
> <Snip>

> The Parable of the two Programmers
> Neil W. Rickert
> Dept. of Math, Stat., and Computer Science,
> University of Illinois at Chicago.

Interesting story, but my opinion is that this story does not compare
apples-to-apples.  Among our virtuoso software developer's activities, I
saw no mention of gathering requirements from the end users, summarizing
technical options for decision makers (aka PHBs), defining test cases,
or writing user documentation.  Like I said, not apples-to-apples.

While I agree it's possible for two guys with shovels to be more
productive than ten people running around having discussions and
attending meetings (paraphrase from The Unix Guide to Defenestration),
it's also usually important to clearly define/refine the software
requirements before/while proceeding with a software development project
(i.e. to avoid building the wrong thing).  This can burn up quite a bit
of time.

Also, lines of code (LOC) is not a reliable measure of programming
productivity.  Fastest way to generate lots of LOC is copy/paste.  Just
try maintaining that kind of mess, though (e.g. 10 similar programs
created with copy/paste).  Substantial effort is commonly required to
refactor code and actually reduce the number of LOC.

Playing space invaders at work ... not generally considered a career
enhancing activity.

Joel Schneider              Jazz - jazz88fm.com
joel at joelschneider.net      ISEE - www.i-see.org