On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 09:04:50PM -0500, Karl Bongers wrote:
> Maybe add /usr/lib to your ld.so.conf?  See if a libtermcap.so lives
> there.  I beleive it's looking for a specific libtermcap.so file or
> link.  Or cheat and make a link: libtermpcap.so -> libterm.so.2.0.8?

Thanks.  But I've checked and the only libtermcap I have is in /lib.
There's no libtermcap in /usr/lib.

And actually, I just looked, and while I do have a
libtermcap.so.2.0.8, linked from libtermcap.so.2, I don't have a
libterm at all...

Aha!  Real time update.  I made a link from libtermcap.so ->
libtermcap.so.2 and that made it work!

Cool!  But this makes me worried --- is there something about linux so
files that this configure script doesn't get?  Why didn't it find the
.2 version?  Anyone know?