when last we saw our hero (Saturday, Jul 27, 2002), 
 Kelly Black was madly tapping out:
> On Saturday 27 July 2002 15:45, steve ulrich wrote:
> > how dare you bring reasonable points into this discussion?
> >
> > when last we saw our hero (Saturday, Jul 27, 2002),
> >  Daniel Churchill was madly tapping out:
> >
> >
> > { snipped - misc previous correspondence - all of it quite good }
> ---Snipped old stuf to trim posts :-) ---
> >
> > if the kids that expended their efforts calling folks dumbass, and
> > cheerleading such activities, were to channel that energy into
> > effective evangelism it might leave corporations with a better taste
> > in their mouths regarding linux and the other free OSs as well as the
> > open source development model in general.
> >
> > instead, in many cases, they seem to associate it with whiny
> > name-calling kids with questionable personal hygiene. compare that
> > with their polished MS rep and their ability to schmooze the parties
> > with the pocketbook and you'll get a taste of how things eventually
> > end up working out.
> Clean up your act folks.  If you don't the companies that implement
> software based on smell and taste won't like you! 

actually - that's not too far from the truth.  a lot of companies
buy products based on their comfort level with the representatives
that they deal with.  

if two products are within spitting distance of each other in
features, quality and price - the management and purchasing folks are
likely going to go with the ones that can present the better business
case and provide the relationship that they're comfortable with. 

in many cases these decisions are mandated by people who can barely
boot their pc.  sad in many cases, but true.

> I heard somewhere that Bill Gates is not all that hygienic.

that might be the case - but all of the MS reps that i've ever met
with, are pretty damn savvy in the social skills department.  

steve ulrich                       sulrich at botwerks.org
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