I am currently working at a client that is investigating OpenSource.
They are trying to determine if they can leverage OpenSource in a
corporate environment and would like a few volunteers to help prove
that OpenSource can work. If this sounds interesting, keep reading...


Want to change the future of corporate software development?

Share your knowledge and expertise of Open Source and make a

A small group of companies want to use the Open Source development
model, but we need your help to guide us into the world of Open
Source.  We'd like to test the waters by participating in an existing
"corporate"-related Open Source development project. You can recommend
the project and add any extension of your own choosing.  This is a
proof-of-concept and development is from 1 - 3 weeks of part time

If you have a strong desire to change the world, contact Clay Fandre @
clay at fandre.com.
