On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 10:10:40AM -0600, Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
> You are spending too much time in Physics class.  In theory this is correct,
> but the output is extremely low and should not interfere much with anything,
> as per FCC regulations.

Um, you'd be surprised, though it does depend on how you define low.
Trying to get boxes to satisfy regs can be interesting.  But we have
it easy -- the spurious emission regs to allow RF gear in Germany
(maybe the EC, now) are very _difficult_ to hit.

> cage.  Not to mention, there is software out there to allow you to trasmit
> AM broadcasts using your monitor -- so you need to wrap it as well.
> :)

I knew that some federal law enforcement / intelligence agencies had
gear that will allow them to basically see what's on your screen, but
I'd never thought about turning it around the other way!

"Trying to do something with your life is like
sitting down to eat a moose." --Douglas Wood