The Twin Cities PC Users group will have a Linux on Saturday meeting this coming Saturday January 12th. It will begin at 9 AM and run till about 11:30 and TCLUG members are welcome to come. Two TCLUG members have agreed to facilitate and it will kind of go where the audience leads it. Since TCPC is new to Linux it is expected to be more toward the entry level as opposed to the Admin level. TC/PC meetings are free and open to the public and it will be at our normal sig meeting place at 2850 Metro Drive in Bloomington near the Mall of America. It is on the lower level in Room 124 and further directions can be found on the TP/PC web site address listed below. There is a limited amount of space in the room but we will see how it goes. Hopefully if we can maintain enough interest between TCPC/TCLUG and some Linux presenters we will try and do this monthly. So mark your calendar now. Terry Houle President Twin Cities PC Users Group terry at