On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 09:34:20PM -0600, Tim Wilson wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to scale an image using Imagemagick's 'convert' utility. An
> example of the sort of conversion I'm trying would be:
> $ convert -quality 75 -geometry 128x128 big_foo.jpg small_foo.jpg
> The Imagemagick man page says this:
> "Specify input_file as - for standard input, output_file as - for
> standard output."
> Can someone provide an example of using standard input and standard
> output in this context?

Without even knowing the answer, I can give the following example:

$ convert -quality 75 -geometry 128x128 big_foo.jpg - | convert <other
operation> - final_foo.jpg

Of course it's probably more interesting if more than just convert is
involved.  I/O redirection -- that's what GUI's lack.  CLI all the
way, man! ;)


"Trying to do something with your life is like
sitting down to eat a moose." --Douglas Wood