I don't think it should change. I mean I don't think we should require subscription to a separate list to receive announcements. I have read suggestions that we should have an OT list, or a newbie list, or a guru list, and I think that I prefer the simplicity and utility of just one list. That said, my preference is not a strong one. >>> chewie at wookimus.net 02/19/02 03:03PM >>> On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 12:28:14PM -0600, Clay Fandre wrote: > All posts to tclug-announcment also gets sent to tclug-list. I'd like to motion that we change that. I may not belong to the tclug-announcement list right now, but if you can keep all of the announcement stuff to the appropriate list, I'll subscribe. We're seeing enough traffice where doing so would make sense, and I agree that it'll knock down a lot of the OT flamewars about it.