On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 08:06:56AM -0600, Jay Kline wrote:
> This works fine if all you ant is the is a file to be owned by a particular 
> group, but what if you also want to change the umask for a particular 
> directory?

You repeat "umasks are controlled by users, not the filesystem" to
yourself until you get so sick of it that you write a kernel patch to
allow directories to have them.

> Say you want your home directry so that no one else can read your 
> stuff, but a shared "data" directory owned by "users" such that any file 
> created in there would not only be ownend by users, but also writable by 
> users?

$ umask 002
$ chmod go-rwx /home/me

It doesn't matter whether the files in your home dir are world-
readable if the directory itself is inaccessible...

Alternately, you can probably configure your system to create a
separate group for each user instead of throwing everyone into the
same default group.  Your home dir (and most of your files) will then
be owned by a group that you're the only member of, so 022 and 002
umasks are equivalent (unless you're in an sgid directory).

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Tom Swiss