>>>>> "CCW" == Chad C Walstrom <chewie at wookimus.net> writes:

    CCW> On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 08:20:55AM -0600, Robert P. Goldman wrote:
    >> But I'm running KDE.  Does anyone have any idea what in KDE might be
    >> probing the CDROM all the time?

    CCW> Yes, KDE has a helper daemon that tries to mount/umount the drives for
    CCW> the user that's logged in.  It may be probing the drive when you click
    CCW> on the cdrom icon.  It's also possible that you may have a status
    CCW> indicator widget/applet of some kind that's checking these things.
    CCW> Examine the programs that you're running. Kill one for a while.  Watch
    CCW> your logs.

For those who care, I did figure this out.

The villain is autorun.

And to find this, I did 

find .kde -type f -exec fgrep -q autorun {} \; -print

That found some stupid desktop file which runs autorun all the time.