I just got an email from the school reminding me about the bridge painting
they do every semester.  Organizations have to sign up ahead of time and
registration is closed, but I think they let individuals paint stuff too on
a first come first serve basis.  I have a friend that painted something
last year but I've never done it, so if anyone knows more about this feel
free to chime in.  I'm pretty sure you can paint anything you want since
I've seen such useful panels as "Everybody poops" in the past.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, there's a pedestrian bridge over
the Washington Ave. bridge to get between the East and West Banks of
campus.  There's a covered part of the bridge, and on the inside of that
there are lots of things painted on each panel - some of it informing you
of various things to do on campus, some telling you which dorm or frat is
the best ever, and so forth...
If someone knows more about this than I do and it's possible for a few of 
us to meet up on the bridge painting day for this semester and maybe just 
paint a tux and the URL?  Paint and brushes are provided there.  If we 
needed to register ahead of time, maybe we could do it next semester at least.


What a fine Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 10:39:55PM -0500 it was when Bob Tanner said:
> Any of you UofM people have any ideas on how we can let the new incoming
> freshmen know about tclug?