On Sun, Aug 25, 2002 at 12:15:06AM -0500, Yaron wrote:
>   Hey,


> What if I have applications that actually use all my 1gb of physical RAM?
> UNIX 'tradition' dictates 1.6 times physical RAM, HDDs are cheap, I can
> spare 1.6 gigs for swap.

Before someone grabs this FUD and runs with it, let's analyze this.

System has 32M of ram, 51.2M of swap isn't going to do diddly squat for you.

System has 4G of ram, 6.4G of ram could be considered.. excessive.`

There has *NEVER* been a formula that involved RAM*(number) = SWAP. Ever.

It doesn't work, unless memory * multiplier = amount of ram you think you'll 
need. (almost never)

The best way is to simply figure out how much memory you think you'll 
normally need for what you're running on the system, add enough swap
to make up the difference between that, and whatever physical ram you have,
then add a bit more swap for those expected load spikes.

If you can spare the HD space, feel free to waste it on swap.

> Either way, I'd want more than 128MB.

I've got half a gig of ram in my system, and 512M of swap. it's more than
enough. (unless i'm making some of my very very very large maps =)

> -Yaron

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