Not a bad idea, but I figured it was easier to register with no-ip and get myself a free dynamic DNS entry. It came with an "updater" that just forms a URL that it passes to that contains your IP address. To be complete, this is what it sends for me: GET It's a little different if you configure it differently. You can configure it as a daemon (I don't) and tell it you have proxy or nat configured. It'd be trivial to put this in if-up. Then I just ssh to This article might be of value: Ger -- Gerry Skerbitz gsker at On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, chewie wrote: [SNIP] > As with all DHCP setups, your computer may lease an IP address > indefinitely, but there is always the chance that the DHCP server will > allocate the address to someone else and give you a new one. What was > my answer? With `ip', `shell', `sed', and `sendmail', I created a > script that updates me whenever the IP address to my NIC changes. [SNIP]