On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 04:26:41PM -0600, Joel Rosenberg wrote:
> Which leads me to wonder if a Windows virus will be allowed to play havoc 
> with anything in the ~/ directory, or anything subordinate to it.  Anybody 
> know?  If you don't map the ~/ directory to a drive, and say, create 
> ~/windowshome , could it still get to the ~/ directory?  

You're inquiring whether Wine could mess with your ${HOME} directory if
not provided a mapping to that directory?

Theoretically, if you are running Wine, it has sufficient permission to
mess with your ${HOME} directory, so that directory could not
necessarily be considered immune to virus attack.  However, I suspect a
virus would have to be specifically tailored for Wine before it could
create a linux drive mapping for itself.

Joel Schneider               Yan Xin Qigong in Minneapolis
joel at joelschneider.net       http://yanxinqigong.minneapolis.mn.us/