On Mon, Apr 01, 2002 at 09:14:22AM -0600, Jay Kline wrote:
> Im not sure that is a joke- it looks kinda cool even.

"That", referring to the TrollTech QT-Console library, is definitely a
joke, but I would agree with you in that it does look like it would be
useful.  Allowing existing programs to link ncurses libraries instead of
QT widgets would give the developer a nice way to provide console access
to apps w/o having to reengineer their presentation layer. (Even if
doing so would be the "Right Thing" (TM).) 

Chad Walstrom <chewie at wookimus.net>                 | a.k.a. ^chewie
http://www.wookimus.net/                            | s.k.a. gunnarr
Get my public key, ICQ#, etc. $(mailx -s 'get info' chewie at wookimus.net)