I am sorry but this is getting too far. I am neither a Jew or a Palestinian,
neither I do have friends or relatives that are...

On Tue, Sep 11, 2001 at 11:41:33PM -0500, Colin Kilbane wrote:

> Only cowards attack civilians, attack people that won't fight back. 

Hiroshima? Nagasaki?

>                                                                     Death
>  to the Taliban, death to the terrorists that they support.  Anywhere
>  where it is legal to kill your wife but not divorce her, is messed up.
> Where nuns can be executed for running a hospital for the poor and
> outcast. Where christians, homosexuals, vagrents, mentally handycapped,
> and the poor are systemattically persecuted and executed.  Does this sound
> familiar, it should... Hitler 1933
>  The sick part is that these bastards will soil the name of all of the
> islamic faith, Sunni and Shi'i alike, in the minds of many of us. We can
> not allow ourselves to sink to the level of these mindwashed fools. These
> are not men of god, just those who use his name in the quest for greed,
> death, and power. It is certainlly the greatest sin that any follower of
> god, Christian, Jew, or Muslim, can commit is to kill in his name. This is
> no better than the atrocities committed by Christians in the crusades an
> the inquisition, and the treatment of Palestinians by Christians and Jews.

Good point. The problem of this cowards is that they have light guns against
tanks, artillery, gunships, fighter jets and sattelites.

Do you expect them to follow the international war laws? Why not ask Israel
first to respect the UN resolutions and UN Security Council resolution dating
back from the '50-'60 for a division of Palestina and division of the 

The Palestinians know they will going to die. Sooner or later. They were
herded away from the land of their fathers into the encampaments where they
subsist on the crumbles thrown them by the Arab states and UN. There are people
there born in this precarious state. People that were born for one purpose: to
be the last soldiers of Allah.

Who give all that technology to Israel? Who is financially helping Israel each
year to the tune of billions of dollars? From what money? _TAX_ _PAYER_ dollars
my friend: that's you and me...

> I am not very religious but if there is a hell, or just an absence of
> god's grace I do not see a better way to get there than by the acts of
> terrorism we have seen today. 

By Khoran, whomever dies fighting in Allah's name will get by his right, in 

>                               I do not advocate the killing these people
> in the name of god, but in the name of justice,

They were dead... They are dead... If Americans b0mb their concentration
camps they will just hurry the conclusion, for they are sold and slaughtered

>                                                 and those innocent lives
> that we will save through our actions. I believe that the US is a far from
> perfect goverment, but it is better than anything else that civilization
> has seen. We let Hitler kill millions, Stalin kill 40 million, and Mao
> kill 60 million, we can not allow another totalitarian state to elevate
> itself upon the corpses of the innocent. 

_OUR_ innocent you may want to specify. How "concerned" were the Americans
about all those killings?

> Death to the terrorists! Death to Osama bin Laden leading them! death to
> the Taliban, Palestinian factions, and Iraqi goverment for supporting him!
> We can only hope that the people of Afganistan, Palestine, Iraq
> will find liberation, freedom and democracy like we have. It will not be
> found in the death of the innocent, but only in the total destruction of
> such forces as the Taliban. 

A good day,


"If it's not broken, let's fix it till it is."

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