On Sun, Oct 28, 2001 at 10:33:40AM -0600, Jim Kaufman wrote:
> What I like to do is run a cron job daily that sets my system time. that
> is, I have this in root's crontab:
> 30 6 * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate time.nist.gov

At that point, you'd really be better off just running ntpd

> You can run this anytime you want as root and your system time will be
> correct. To copy this time to your hardware clock, type this:
> hwclock --systohc
> Check out 'hwclock --help' for more info on that utility.

I'm fairly certain that ntpdate also updates the hardware clock
without requiring the extra step.

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Mr. Slippery