
On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Austad, Jay wrote:

> Wanna read something really stupid?
> http://www.adequacy.org/?op=displaystory;sid=2001/9/30/83943/2736
> Wow, what an idiot....

Um... Jay? It's a joke. I can't believe anyone doesn't think that
article's a joke. For goodness' sake, the Topic Icon is a picture of
Harold form The Red Green show.

The really sad thing about this article is that it exposes the incredible
dumbness and zealosness (zealosity?) of Linux users! How can you possibly
not know this is a parody? I mean, (A) The site's powered by Scoop, There
are links to Slashdot from the front page, and you buy the "We don't
usually like alternate-OSes"? For crying out loud, atleast read the site's

