Did anyone else go outside last night and take a look at the meteor shower?
Around 3:30 it was cloudy so I didn't think I'd be able to see it, but I
played some Halo on my roomie's Xbox for about an hour and the clouds had
gone away.  I was able to see about 1 every 5 seconds or so, with several
bursts of 5 or 10 of them at once.  And that was in Brooklyn park, not in
the boonies.

Also, since light pollution is such a problem near cities, I wonder if that
pollution is mostly around a particular wavelength.  If so, would it be
possible to make a filter to look through that would not pass a particular
range of wavelengths?  I'm no physics expert, but something like this might
be possible to improve the visibility of objects the sky near large cities.
