>>> simeonuj at eetc.com 05/23/01 12:50PM >>>
>That actually sounds like it could be a good thing in certain situations. :-)

Yes indeed!

>>    $ cd /directory/of/mounted/loopback/iso/..
>>    $ umount /directory/of/mounted/loopback/iso/
>Actually I thought you couldn't unmount a directory your using.  If you change to that >directory you are using it.  It never works this way for me.
>If it works than I am doing something wrong.  Otherwise just change to a different directory >and umount it as stated above.

This command:

   $ cd /directory/of/mounted/loopback/iso/..

changes to the directory right above the mount point (the '..' at the end). And no, you shouldn't try to umount a file system you are using (as your current directory). It might leave you in a place that is undefined and *pop* you would be gone. ;-)
