On Sat, 12 May 2001, Phil Mendelsohn wrote:
> On Sat, 12 May 2001, Nate Sanders wrote:
> > Sid == testing
> > Woody == unstable
> > 
> > Correct?
> Backwards.

  Ah. I have been enlightened. Thank you, gentlemen!

  I'll use this as an opportunity to chip in my 1/50 of a dollar on the
list fragmentation issue. I say we keep it as it is; although I consider
myself pretty knowledgeable, there are some things -- see above -- which
I'm still clueless about and need newbie-level help with.
  Everybody has widely varying areas of expertise and ignorance, which
complement each other on this single list.


Dan Drake <drake at lemongecko.org>
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