Bob Tanner wrote:
> Quoting Ben Lutgens (blutgens at
> > Nothing if you take them down into the programmers cave and show them a whole
> > slew of linux workstations.
> >
> > >
> > >Oh. Cool. The BSA Holy Patrol *is* coming to town.
> Maybe the LUG should approach all the companies that get hit by the BSA and
> explain how they could save a whole lot of money with Linux and open software.

One problem with this thought:  Cost in terms of money spent to retrain
people, and also in productivity lost for them to relearn new software
and related things.  Also, manpower cost in reloading thousands of
desktops, laptops, and servers.  A slow, painful conversion is sometimes
the best method when dealing with corporations and bean counters.  If
it's a small business with small amounts of servers and such, then
sure.  Easier said than done.
