run uname -a to determine what version of the linux kernel you're running.

You need the same kernel headers as your running kernel. If you compiled
your own kernel, point the thing your compiling at that. You don't need to
find it as an rpm, you can grab kernel source from and
extract it to /usr/src/linux (clean up symlinks, extract, create new
symlinks) or extract it to your home directory (or where ever it won't
overwrite soemthing).

Is there a standard enviorment varible for specifing where your kernel
sources are? KERNER_DIR or something?

Andrew S. Zbikowski       | Home: 763.591.0977  | PCS:  612.306.6055
They must not get baseball sized hail in Redmond.
If they did they would have realized HailStorm is
a bad name for their new services.