On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Seth Bernsen wrote:

> Before you su run "xhost +".  If you've already su'ed, you can run xhost
> + in another window and it should also work.  Then make sure your
> DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly, for csh:
> setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0
> If your on the console, I believe :0.0 will probably work, but
> <hostname>:0.0 will definitely work.  
> I guarantee (almost) this will work.

This should work, but it is a big scary security hole.  Anyone who can
access the X ports (6000 to 6something) can get in to your desktop.  This
is one of the big reasons why ssh is preferred over telnet.

If for some reason you really have to do xhost +, you should at least use
an explicit hostname -- xhost +host.domain.foo -- so that there's at least
*some* measure of protection that not anyone can hop in with you.

Of course if you're on an isolated net or machine, it doesn't matter, but
who is these days?

"To misattribute a quote is unforgivable." --Anonymous