Matt Thoren wrote:
> Ben Lutgens wrote:
> >
> >
> > Star Office sucks. It's not viable at all as an alternative to M$ Products if
> > --cut--
> I disagree.  I have had great success with Star Office.  There are versions for
> Solaris, Linux, AND NT.  I have not had any problems so far moving docs and
> spread sheets between Star Office and MS.
> Matt.

I agree with this.  When my wife gets an MS Doc thats from a later version of MS Office
than hers, I generally can convert it with StarOffice.  MS Office won't even read it.

StarOffice works great for me, and I think it would be a far more productive world if
everyone got rid of MS Office and converted.

(Just needed to make an emphatic and silly [although true] statement to counter Bens
