On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, Dave Sherohman wrote:

> Real life?  Overrated.  I think it'd be pretty cool too, although I'm not
> quite sure what a Boston 10BaseT party would involve...

Well, we could probably set up something small this year, but it's kind of
late for a big shindig.  (Though my wife does work at Sysco, and we can
buy all sorts of party food wholesale...)

I think the 10BaseT party would be have every Linux user that can be
mustered ping something at microsoft.com en masse all day.  Grind it to a
halt, with no particular overhead on any individual machine, and be so
numerous as to be deniable -- "it was a virus.  No computer's impervious,
I guess."  It's fun to think of, anyway.  Reminds me of what the painter
Paul Gaugin said:  "Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge."  ;)

"To misattribute a quote is unforgivable." --Anonymous