On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Bill Layer wrote:

> First, while Cisco and Qwest both claim that Xmodem works over the serial
> port, I was not able to get it working with Minicom, using the same
> settings that normally allow me to operate the 675's serial console. Just
> errored out every time I tried, so I gave up on it. Second, the CAP/DMT
> firmware is *not* related to the CBOS, so a change of CBOS version is
> irrelevant to this. CAP/DMT is seperate firmware.

Thanks; I have the 678 so I don't have the same hands on with the
675.  With the 678 you can change CAP/DMT via software, but I thought
there was a different CBOS for each, due to something I saw on Qworst's
site.  I won't labor under that misconception anymore.

"To misattribute a quote is unforgivable." --Anonymous