
I went through this stuff a couple of weeks ago.. here is what I learned.

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001 09:04:48 -0500 (CDT)
"Phil Mendelsohn" <mend0070 at tc.umn.edu> wrote:

> sorry for updating myself --
> Qwest says the 675 will accept Xmodem over the serial port, so minicom
> should be sufficient to download the software.  Also, be careful that
> don't get the wrong software -- make sure CAP or DMT agrees with your
> modem.

First, while Cisco and Qwest both claim that Xmodem works over the serial
port, I was not able to get it working with Minicom, using the same
settings that normally allow me to operate the 675's serial console. Just
errored out every time I tried, so I gave up on it. Second, the CAP/DMT
firmware is *not* related to the CBOS, so a change of CBOS version is
irrelevant to this. CAP/DMT is seperate firmware.

The easy & fast way to upgrade the CBOS (the latest version I found was
2.4.1, so I used it) is via tftp. The drill goes like this: (IMPORTANT
NOTE: I assume that the 675 is ip, and the client used to send
the upgrade is Adjust as required for your network.)

Log into CBOS over the serial cable, enter enable mode.

#set tftp enabled
#set tftp remote (this may be optional, but I set it the address
of my desktop. This forces the 675 tftp to only accept tftp connects from
a single host (security)).

Now, from the client machine, and assuming you have downloaded
CBOS 2.4.1 as filename 'nsrouter.c675.2.4.1.bin':

$mv nsrouter.c675.2.4.1.bin nsrouter.c675.2.4.1.bin.hr
$tftp 69
tftp>mode binary
tftp>put nsrouter.c675.2.4.1.bin.hr

Back to the CBOS serial console on more time:

#set tftp disabled

The modem should reboot, check a bunch of checksums, *then* it flashes the
EEPROM, reboots again and wakes up with the new version. You shouldn't
have to touch any of your NVRAM settings, but if they are ugly, log into
the serial console, enter enable mode and do:

#set nvram erase

Then you may configure the unit as if factory-fresh; ppp passwords and

-.those who are talking don't know, and those who know aren't talking.-

           -.frogtown.-     -.minnesota.-      -.u.s.a.-