> I've seen it done both ways.  The first way is arguably the simplest,
> but the second way to more true to the relational model of data.  
> Adding a event type code to distinguish the two types is not a bad
> idea either, but not a requirement.

Is it possible to have three databases: One would be the "glue"

UniqueID type
1	a
2	b
3	a

table a would be

1	info1	 info2
3	stuff	stuff2

table b would be
2	otherformatted stuff with	more	fields

Then my script could foreach in table glue, if type=a, get id, query table
a, do stuff, and if typ=b, get id, query table b, etc.

The main problem with this is maintaining the unique id numbers that join
these tables. Can I somehow link these tables in mysql so when I add an
item in table b, an entry is added to table glue, or do I manually (ie
with scripts) need to maintain the syncing of these tables. It is my
(naive?) impression that it what a relational database is for, but I can't
find info on mysql on linking tables like this.

