On Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 12:27:09AM -0500, Hans Christianson wrote:
> Does anyone here use icewm?  If so, I could use a little help.  I have 
> used icepref to customize a little, and I set the mouse buttons to open 
> menus when clicked on the background, but it just doesn't seem to work.  
> I checked the $HOME/.icewm/preferences file and it is set correctly, but 
> nothing happens when I click on the desktop.  Thanks in advance.

I'm probably the only other person in the cities that uses it, but I
love it.  

Did you restart icewm?  Hit CTRL-ALT-DEL, Restart icewm.  You don't have
to close anything down, all of your windows will remain open and on the
right desktop.  You need to do this after any changes to your config
