> > On Sun, 1 Jul 2001, Nate Straz wrote:
> > 
> > > On Sun, Jul 01, 2001 at 10:31:55AM -0500, Daniel Taylor wrote:
> > > > I still prefer Pine to Mutt, this may be because the people who made Mutt
> > > > made 'x' with no modifiers "quit now without asking and forget all mailbox
> > > > changes" where in Pine it is "eXpunge deleted e-mails, ask first". 
> You spent more time explaining why you don't like mutt that looking in the
> manual for the configuration...
In one keystroke I lost several _hours_ worth of state information on my
mailbox. It took me the better part of an hour to figure out what had
happened (I originally thought it had crashed since there was no
feedback). I could then have spent another hour reading the manual,
finding the config options I wanted, and making the necessary changes.

Instead I switched to using Netscape mail until it was convenient for me
to download and install pine, and I haven't looked at mutt since. I have
much more respect for good UI design than for the developers choice of
license or other political considerations.
