Here is my procmailrc file.  All I will say is that it works for me.

# Set to yes when debugging

# Remove ## when debugging: set to no if you want minimal logging

# Replace $HOME/Msgs with your message directory
# Mutt and elm use $HOME/Mail
# Pine uses $HOME/mail
# Netscape Messenger uses $HOME/nsmail
# Some news clients, such as slrn & nn, use $HOME/News
MAILDIR=/home/john/mail           # Make sure this directory exists!

# Directory for storing procmail-related files

* ^TO_tclug

* ^TO_php-general

* ^TO_php-db

* ^TO_lists\.mysql\.com


John Miller

On Sun, 1 Jul 2001, David Christian wrote:

> Okay, so I'm trying to set up procmail, to go along with my newfound friend mutt -- just for reference, I started using mutt *before* the recent thread about mailers and have to agree that mutt has a lot of great features.
> However, I can't seem to get procmail to run right.  Right now I just have one rule that sends the mail from tclug to a folder.  That rule works, but I don't get the rest of my mail.  It's an RH7.1 system.  Does anyone know why?
> I have a .forward that looks like this:
> FS=' ' && p=/usr/bin/procmail && test -f $p && exec $p -Yf- || exit 75 #dchristi"
> And a .procmailrc that looks like this:
> PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:.
> MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail  # You'd better make sure it exists
> LOCKFILE=$HOME/.lockmail
> :0        # Anything from people at tclug
> * ^From.*
> tclug     # will go to $MAILDIR/tclug
> Thanks,
> Dave
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