On Sun, Jul 01, 2001 at 10:31:55AM -0500, Daniel Taylor wrote:
> I still prefer Pine to Mutt, this may be because the people who made Mutt
> made 'x' with no modifiers "quit now without asking and forget all mailbox
> changes" where in Pine it is "eXpunge deleted e-mails, ask first". 

In your .muttrc, you should look at:

set delete=ask-yes	# Ask to purge deleted messages, default yes
set quit=ask-no		# Ask to exit Mutt, default no
set mark_old=no		# Don't change New messages to Old

I have mutt set up this way at work since I usually keep my mail open
all the time.  I want to be asked when I accidentally or intentionally
try to quit.  There are a whole bunch of these settings you should look
at.  There at lots of example .muttrc's on the mutt hope page.  I could
post parts of mine with explainations if anyone is interested.
