I'm currently looking to add a second IDE HDD (for RH Linux) to my existing 
Win98 box. Since my case is rather awkward and I have an available 5.25-in. 
bay, I wish to install a removable rack. I found a few at 
http://www.enhance-tech.com/ but their selection is rather limited. I am 
hoping that someone has a few suggestions for a quality rack. If it is 
available locally all the better (I'm the touchy-feely kind). My 
requirements are: ATA/100, internal fan (for 7200 rpm drive), auto-door 
set, keylock/power switch, power/disk LEDs, and a forceless handle.

On the same subject, I'm deciding between a Maxtor and an IBM HDD. Tech 
specs aside, which offers better Linux compatibility as far as firmware and 
utilities are concerned?

Finally, is there a GNU app. that is comparable to PowerQuest's Partition 
Magic (I got hooked with OpenLinux), in the sense that there is low 
probability of data loss (when re-partitioning and changing file systems) 
and includes a boot utility?
