> > Vim does a great job of word wrapping.  Throw this in your .vimrc
> > set textwidth=75
> Yeah, that's nice, but now all my shell scripts will be wrapped, too.
	this is where "vi -c 'set textwidth=74'" comes in. :) as you
noticed, I put that in my .muttrc.

>D is 'delete' in Pine.
	but it's 'down to read next message' in Agent; which I was using
before I went to Linux.

>Don't matter, Mutt can customize all that. They just didn't make it
>comfortable (;
	I know. but like I said, I didn't care enough to change it. :)

>I definetly don't see how binding Up and Down to anything BUT scrolling
>makes any sense! (:
	scrolling within the message, yes. that's fairly intuitive. causing
you to jump up & down between messages, is less so.
	I was used to arrows & page up/page down scrolling within the
message by varying degrees; and using 'd' and 'u' to go up & down between

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Real-Time Enterprises
(952) 943-8700