
On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

> I think they're some of the best keybindings out there. very sensible and
> practical.

Maybe.. but I've been using pine for like, over 7 years (I'd say over 10
but I really don't remember).

> (tho it did take a while for me to get used to 'd' being 'delete'

D is 'delete' in Pine.

Don't matter, Mutt can customize all that. They just didn't make it
comfortable (;

I definetly don't see how binding Up and Down to anything BUT scrolling
makes any sense! (:

> I'll include my .muttrc. I've got a fairly extensive list of colorizations
> that I do for messages. Everyone has their own preferences for those.

Thanks! vi -c! There we go!!!

