Clay Fandre wrote:
> Michael Hicks wrote:
> >
> > Did you do something silly like forget to compile in network support or
> > forget to compile the modules and run `depmod -a', etc?
> No, the eepro100 module loads just fine, but it says it's unused when I
> do a lsmod. I even booted back to the kernel I've been using for a month
> now without any luck.

I meant Internet Protocol support, but since you got modules to load, it
should work..

I guess the way to check would be to look around in proc to make sure
that all of the bits seem to be there:

[mike at 3po][~]$ cd /proc/sys/net
[mike at 3po][/proc/sys/net]$ ls
802/  core/  ethernet/  ipv4/  unix/
[mike at 3po][/proc/sys/net]$ cd ../../net
[mike at 3po][/proc/net]$ ls
arp        igmp         ip_masquerade  raw       snmp          tcp
dev        ip_fwchains  netstat        route     sockstat      udp
dev_mcast  ip_fwnames   packet         rt_cache  softnet_stat  unix
[mike at 3po][/proc/net]$

 _  _  _  _ _  ___    _ _  _  ___ _ _  __   Do fish get cramps after 
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[ Mike Hicks | | mailto:hick0088 at ]