I updated a debian machine to the latest and greatest "unstable" tree, but
now I have noticed a problem. 

I am no longer able to redirect "X" sessions to my machine.  Yes, I've
granted access to the remote machine(s) using "xhost", and I've even
tried setting xhost to - (disabling access protections).

I still get an "unable to connect" message when I try redirection...

It looks like a new security "feature" as been implemented, and I don't
know how to re-enable remote X sessions... 

Failing that, is there any way to apt-get downgrade?   (or force a
reversion back to stable in any other way...)

Any ideas?

What the president of the Motion Picture Association of America says about 
taking away your constitutional rights:

"I'm rather jubilant now. What Judge Kaplan did was blow away every one of 
these brittle and fragile rebuttals. He threw out fair use; he threw out 
reverse engineering; he threw out linking."

- Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Association of America.

______         _ __         "If you don't have the freedom to use what you
  /           ' )  )               own - then you do not own anything."
 / o ______    /  / _  . .    No apologies to Jack Valenti or the MPAA
/ <_/ / / <   /  (_</_(_/_  -- tneu at visi.com / http://www.visi.com/~tneu --