
On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Nate Carlson wrote:

> Slaving is working fine for me on 8.2.3.. so you're saying that you are
> slaving the domain, but it's returning the wrong IP? Weird.

Ok, 9.1.0 does the same thing. And, ok, here's the deal.

Query the DNS server from INSITE my network and you get correct results.

Query the DNS server from OUTSIDE my network and it returns THE SAME IP
FOR EVERY HOST, namely my public IP.

This started when I switched the router to PPP mode. Hang on, I must try
something insanely stupid.

Ok. I modified the info for yaron.org. I told it yaron.org =

Queries for anything STILL RETURN!!!

What the hell??? The only thing I can think of (which sounds impossible)
is the Cisco675's NAT 'translating' the outgoing DNS replies to it's own
outside interface!

