> > just plain obscure.  Any suggestions on a tight, fast OS to accomodate my
> > needs?

Minix would run great on a machine like that.  (it even runs on a 286). 

Unfortunately, there are not very many applications for minix, and the
installation is primarily manual.  I also believe (last I checked), it is
not free.

I hate to say it, but you might be best off using DOS.   Being a
responsible Linux geek also requires admiting areas where Linux
probably wouldn't be so hot...    

DOS is the only thing old enough to fit confortably inside of 60MB, and
there is no shortage of applications available for it.  (I guess there's
even a DOS web browser now!  Who knew!)

Not that Linux couldn't fit - just that it wouldn't be very fun with less
than 60MB of applications... 

What the president of the Motion Picture Association of America says about 
taking away your constitutional rights:

"I'm rather jubilant now. What Judge Kaplan did was blow away every one of 
these brittle and fragile rebuttals. He threw out fair use; he threw out 
reverse engineering; he threw out linking."

- Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Association of America.

______         _ __         "If you don't have the freedom to use what you
  /           ' )  )               own - then you do not own anything."
 / o ______    /  / _  . .    No apologies to Jack Valenti or the MPAA
/ <_/ / / <   /  (_</_(_/_  -- tneu at visi.com / http://www.visi.com/~tneu --