On Tue, Feb 06, 2001 at 09:07:14AM -0600, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:
>> Sheesh bob, 50 users max? What's up with that?
>Real-Time is paying for the bandwidth, you're not. You can't complain too loudly about that deal. :)

Well, if you're going to mirror, perhaps you should limit what you're
mirroring and who you tell if that's the case. 50 users for a kernel, redhat,
debian, and god knows what else mirror is not enough if you broadcast to the
whole world (i.e. being listed as an official mirror)

Hell I can't even use the mirror anymore, I had to go back to
http.us.debian.org and get to deal with thier crummy round-robin DNS with the
one machine that NEVER responds.

Not complaining, just asking what the deal was. The statement "what's up with
that" hardly qualifies as a complaint.

Ben Lutgens		cell: 612.670.4789    telnet bofh.jive.org 666
Sistina Software Inc.	work: 612.379.5941
Code Monkey Support (A.K.A. System Administrator)

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