On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 02:03, Chad C. Walstrom wrote:
> You know.  Command prompts are nice and all...  What happens when you
> want to schedule this with cron, though?  Just make sure you first write

Generally, I come up with these sorts of things on the fly in shell or
perl, and then when I need something to be scheduled, I shove it into
cfengine somehow, or write a unattented script to take care of it.

For example, all of my machines with X on it I want to have the latest
gdm that I have compiled up.  So, I do this:

	'/usr/bin/tcsh -c "apt-get -y update"`

	'/usr/bin/tcsh -c "setenv DEBIAN_PRIORITY critical;setenv
DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive;apt-get -y --force-yes -o
DPkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" install gdm"'

(BTW, whoever thought DPkg::Options::= was a good idea was on crack
(referring to the ::= part))

With the definate upside being that you just worry about getting your
cfengine files out every night, and cfengine does the rest.

(cfengine can also edit files and such, www.cfengine.org)

I really think its the way to go instead of using something like rdist
for everything because of how nice its 'groups' system is.

If anyone wants me to elaborate further, let me know and I can post a
mega-email of the ways I'm using cfengine and plan to use it in the
future.  I need to document it someday anyhow.

Scott Dier <dieman at ringworld.org> <sdier at debian.org>
http://www.ringworld.org/  irc://irc.openprojects.net/linuxos