On Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 09:32:17AM -0500, Jay Kline wrote:
> Not that I disagree that SSH is more secure than telnet, but telnet has its place
> too.  Mostly, not on the Internet on a trusted LAN.  I work for a company that
> deals with hundreds of unix servers on a day to day basis (all over the country),
> and they all run telnet.  Its not something that can be changed easily, because
> they are not our servers, they are our customers.  But almost none of them have
> telnet accessible from the Internet, you can only get into their networks via
> modem.  Telnet is well established (there are clients for it preinstalled on most
> every OS- save old Mac) and as long as it is used in the right environments, thats
> fine.  Lets not push for the demise of telnet, lets push for proper education on
> when to run it. (and the internet is NOT a place to run it)

You forget about malicious users... Anybody can set up a snifer on a corporate
network and most of the time the sys/netadmins won't notice.



"If it's not broken, is because you are not fixing it enough."

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