On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 12:56:32PM -0500, Bob Tanner wrote:
> I thought I was a pretty advanced mutt user :-( I think we need a meeting on
> MUAs and brag, err HOWTO setup the advanced stuff.

I was inspired by the original post to go look for a program that does
footnote-like references for email. It's available at [1], and I got it
from [2]. (see, it works!)

If the ".vim" wasn't a clue, it's a vim script, so you have to use vim to
compose your mail -- not a problem for most mutt users.

Unfortunately the math department doesn't use mutt so I can only experience
the delight of neatly numbered references at home. :(


[1]. http://www.math.umn.edu/~drake/email-uri-ref.vim
[2]. http://larve.net/people/hugo/2001/02/email-uri-refs/
  lemon   |                     Dan Drake
+ gecko   |          drake at lemongecko.org
  -----   |   http://lemongecko.org/drake
    ?!    |