On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 10:36:44PM -0500, SpencerUnderground wrote:
> > That is the way it appears in mutt when you see a mail authored by
> > yourself. It looks right to everybody else, which means it's just
> > something to catch your attention.
> Thanks, I could have sworn that once upon a time I was able to see my
> name in my inbox.  Must be a vanity issue.

Take a look at the mutt manual, section 6.3.73, index_format.  It
describes how to customize the message list/index.  There is a lot of
stuff you can do to it.  

I didn't like the default so here is what I changed it to.

set index_format="%Z %[%m/%d %H:%M] %-15.15F %s"

It's a nice, terse format that I use.  Essentially it's just the flags,
the date, the author of the message (or who I sent it to) and the
subject.  I didn't like seeing the list the message came from since I
usually filter mailing lists out to their own mailbox with procmail.

Speaking of procmail... no, you can't put procmail recipes in your
.muttrc.  I was just noting why I was defining another mailbox for mutt
to look at.
