In our case (granted it wasn't AT&T or cablemodem related) US Internet
arbitrarly and without notice decide to shut of all access through port 80
- now, we're a business customer that provides web based application
service...can't we see a problem here? Shutting down port 80 was their
response to Code Red *sigh*


On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Jon Schewe wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 11:10:14PM -0500, Steve Siegfried wrote:
> > I was wondering why my WWW hit monitors suddenly went to zero.  Then I
> > checked and found out why:  No hits.  When I logged into my backup ISP and
> > tried "lynx", I got, "Unable to contact remote host." I also
> > checked ftp, ssh, and telnet, which all worked.  Only http access wasn't
> > going through.
> You do realize that running a web server is against their user policy?  So
> I'm surprised they didn't just shut you down when you complained.

Imagination is intelligence having fun...
e-mail:  kethry at