On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 09:11:21AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 01:46:24AM -0700, Erick Stohr wrote:
> > Is this that Code Red worm?
> Yup.
> > If yes, amazing, having my server up for
> > such a short time and not serving a
> > "real web site" and already getting hit.
> Nope, not amazing at all.  Code red doesn't follow links or anything
> like that, it just blasts itself at random IP addresses.  Even if
> you haven't brought your machine up yet, it's no more or less likely
> to be targeted than, say, slashdot or google.

It's still amazing that a random host was punched 40 times...



"If it's not broken, is because you are not fixing it enough."

41A9 2BDE 8E11 F1C5 87A6  03EE 34B3 E075 3B90 DFE4