On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, Phil Mendelsohn wrote:
> How 'bout XFree 4?  I had it upgrade itself in the midst of some other
> upgrades to potato (not a dist-upgrade) and it broke good, so I ended up
> ditching something and going back to 3.whatever in potato.  Is this
> smoother if you do the whole nine yards in one shot -- a "clean upgrade?"

  The same thing happened to me, doing a dist-upgrade to woody. I think I
had to manually remove the 3.3.x packages and put in the 4.0 packages. It
works fine now, though. You just have to futz around with things and
XFree4 will work fine with woody.

  Dunno about how a clean upgrade would do that, though. 


Dan Drake <drake at lemongecko.org>
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