I sat on a 128k ISDN for over a year. Driving down the road in your car
at 128k wouldn't be bad at all. More then enuff for some eterms, ns,
email, and irc of course.

Or get a real damn big cable and spool on the back of your truck.....

Ben Lutgens wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 26, 2000 at 09:50:58PM -0600, Callum Lerwick wrote:
> >So, just saw an advert for Ricochet 128kbps wireless. So who's gonna be
> >the first with a wireless linux box in minnesota, hmmm? ;)
> I'd rather be able to surf from home or the office than sitting in my cold ass
> Jeep in the winter. Sides 128kbps isn't that fast.

Nate Sanders                                    darkskull at IRC (newnet)
mauvehead at nerp.net                            http://www.damnation.net
who | grep -i blonde | date; cd ~; unzip; touch; strip; finger; mount;
gasp; yes; uptime; umount; sleep	- Unix Is Sexy.